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Our research lies at the intersection of artificial intelligence, visual computing, and human-computer interaction with a mission to develop intelligent visual interfaces for human-guided content creation.

The latest updates from the team

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We have received funding NSF for our project, Learning Joint Crowd-Space Embeddings for Cross-Modal Crowd Behavior Prediction. Team: Vladimir Pavlovic (PI), Mubbasir Kapadia (Co-PI), Sejong Yoon (Co-PI) Project website: …

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Our website for the project Human-Building Interaction is now live! The goal of this project is develop techniques to simulate and predict human behaviors in virtual and built-environments, and make …

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Our paper, Laying the Foundations of Deep Long-Term Crowd Flow Prediction has been accepted for publication at the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2024.

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Our paper, Assessing crowd management strategies for the 2010 Love Parade disaster using computer simulations and virtual reality has been published in the Journal of the Royal Society Interface

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中高端4K投影机JVC DLA-N6详细使用测评分享-4K投影机-Hao4K:2021-3-18 · 2 K, z" Y- r Z4 [1 [+ I 上面三台由左到右分别对应了N11、N8和N5。光输出分别是2200流明、1900流明和1800流明。2 v# i! \$ I i* d 没错,N6很明显是一台针对中国的高性价比产品,因为他的对比度比国外的DLA-NX5高了20万比一,但价格实际上并没高多少。

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